
Parents & Friends

Hillcrest has a very active Parents and Friends (P&F) Association, led by our amazing P&F Committee, who help the College coordinate a range of programs and fundraising ventures, to benefit all students. The P&F Association enhances the Hillcrest community by facilitating a strong connection with parents and families, and assist with the provision of resources for students, such as air conditioning for classrooms, sprung timber floor for the gymnasium, sporting equipment, playground facilities and construction of our Library Bus.

Hillcrest parents are encouraged to become involved with the P&F Association by attending the P&F monthly meetings, or helping with various activities throughout the year. The Executive Head of College attends our P&F meetings to provide College insights and answer any questions from parents.

The P&F supports the College in many practical ways, including:

  • Class Parent coordination
  • Catering for College events
  • Canteen helpers
  • Mothers and Fathers Day stalls
  • Fundraising activities
  • Biennial College Fete

2025 Business Directory

The P&F Association is pleased to present the first Hillcrest Christian College Business Directory. This resource provides invaluable contact information when you are looking for support with a diverse range of services and goods. Our publication also has some key College information and dates for easy reference.


2025 Committee Members

President – Summa Coleman
Vice President – Mel Henderson
Treasurer – Jess Street
Secretary – Leah Stangle
Committee Members – Mel Stipp, Larissa Fletcher, Ryan Speak & Jae Mesaric