2017 Thailand/Myanmar Mission Trip

We gathered early on Wednesday, 13 September, with suitcases full of donations, and boarded the bus to Brisbane Airport for our Thailand Mission Trip. The excitement was palpable, even with the nine hour flight ahead of us. We landed at Chiang Mai Airport, and were met by the humid and heavy 30+ degree climate, which became our constant companion for the next two weeks.

The vans were promptly packed for Baan Fah Sighy, and Blue Skies School was in our sights. We were greeted by a Thai dance performance, then got to know the local students before it was time to teach. Our three days there went quickly, as we taught classes, formed amazing friendships, tasted local delicacies (including crickets!), and paved a path for the school. Our thanks to Wanida, Phil, and their family, who took us all into their home and their hearts.

We drove a further four hours to Mae Sariang, and witnessed the beautiful Thai countryside. Dense jungle palms contrast by open rice paddy fields, were lightly covered by a blanket of clouds, and reminded us of God’s wondrous creation. We arrived to the good news that we could now visit Ei Tu Hta, a Karen refugee village, and also Mae La refugee camp, which had previously been shut. The only access to these villages was by long-boat ride along the river, so we set off once again to enjoy more amazing scenery and insightful conversations.

We had been warned to expect mud on arrival, but nothing quite prepared us for the ‘slip and slide’ that ensued. Our local friends had no qualms with the conditions, and helped us trudge toward the single building of basic classrooms. We held a chapel service before rotating lessons of mathematics, singing, and even AFL ball skills. Our short time there gave us a stark realisation of just how hard everyday life is for refugees, who have fled their homes in search of safety.

Our time spent with Effective Aid workers Graeme and Kendall, and their team at Noh Boh refugee village, proved a highlight of the trip. Over 120 primary students from neighbouring refugee villages, travelled up to five hours’ walk to visit us there. Our team spent three rewarding days playing sport, doing craft, teaching English and running chapel services for the children. It was wonderful to unpack all the donations and give them to the elated children and teachers. As we prayed and worshipped together most evenings, God’s presence was felt in such a real way.

God answered our prayers and made a way for us to visit the high school inside Mae Lae Refugee Camp, which is supported by Effective Aid. The Camp houses tens of thousands of refugees, and was surrounded by barbed-wire fences. This was a new and daunting experience, but sitting beside the students in their classrooms, we felt encouraged by their eagerness to learn and interact with us. As they shared some of their heartbreaking stories of survival, we were challenged to reflect on our own peaceful existence in Australia.

We journeyed to Mae Sot, and appreciated the warm shower, flushing toilet and hotel bed. The following day we visited Love and Care, another refugee high school. One teacher and a class of 60 students, lived and studied in a small church and dormitory with very basic facilities, but were still so thankful to God for His provision. We travelled on to Heavenly Home, and were blessed to spend a few hours singing and dancing with their precious children. Several of the orphaned children had disabilities, and after being abandoned by their parents, this Christian ministry adopted them, providing them with a loving home and an education.

After 10 days full days of service, we travelled to Chiang Mai for a little reprieve. We visited Love Elephants and were excited to meet, feed and mud bath with several elephants in their natural habitat. Over the next two evenings we bartered our way through the Night Bazaar, and savoured the flavours of the street market food.

It was an incredible blessing to watch our Hillcrest students demonstrate their love and servant hearts for others during our Mission Trip. Their obedience to God through their love toward others, resulted in God showing up in many ways to us throughout the trip. We pray these students will cherish their Mission Trip memories and the lessons learnt along the way.

Thanks to Vince Wakefield, Shey Tuibua, Tim Cochran and Rachel Arnold, for all of their work before and during the trip. Many thanks to Chris McConnell (Chairman of Effective Aid) for assisting us on the ground. I am glad my role of Camp Medic was relatively minor, thanks to the persistent prayers of our wider Hillcrest community.

Ms Alison Whebell