Please note the following information which is of particular importance to students in our senior years:
Our new assessment procedures and policy is now available in the SLC Community Zone, via the Hillcrest Christian College website.
The policy and procedure provides clear rules for the submission of drafts and assessment. It also explains the rules to apply for special provisions, or access arrangements and reasonable adjustments for Years 9-12, and is compliant with the rules around assessment set out in the QCAA handbook for the Senior Learning Community.
All senior students have a learning account with the QCAA, called ‘My QCE.’ Students login to ‘My QCE’ using their email address and LUI number at this address: I encourage all Years 10 - 12 students to login to their learning accounts and familiarise themselves with their accounts, check their details are correct, and read over the available QCE resources.
All Year 10, 11 and 12 students will be accessing ‘My QCE’ in the coming weeks to complete the QCAA Academic Integrity course.
Parents and students are also reminded to login to ‘MY PATH’ and access the resources about ATAR via the QTAC website, and explore relevant University course prerequisites. Access the QTAC website here.
Staff in the SLC have been meeting with students and some parents regarding student pathways and subject changes, which are now closed. This is a normal part of our regular monitoring procedures to ensure that each student is on-track to meet the credit requirements for their Queensland Certificate of Education and post-schooling goals.
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