
Hillcrest Christian College commenced its International Student Program in 1996 and is registered to accept international students from Prep - Year 12. Our very successful and supportive program gives international students a genuine Australian school experience and strong academic support in one of Queensland’s leading private schools, assisting our students to progress into the future academic or career pathway of their choice.

Our College values the range of cultural traditions and perspectives that our international students bring to Hillcrest, and every student is a welcomed and cherished member of our community.

We aim to:

  • Immerse our international students into the Australian culture within the Hillcrest Christian College community, while facilitating an educational environment of excellence and integrity.
  • Provide a loving and safe Christian environment that is founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ as presented in the Bible.
  • Provide Australian students with an exposure to other cultures and ideas, and to broaden their understanding of the global context within which Australia is situated.
  • Integrate International students into our wider College Community.
  • Foster an acceptance and understanding of multiculturalism within the Hillcrest Community.